In every class:

Options for personalizing your practice.

Mindfulness, Breath, Intuition, and a little Laughter.

Classes run via Zoom, class descriptions can be found below.

All sales are final, classes can be rescheduled up to 2 hours before start time.

What my students say:

  • "I'm Sleeping better."

    Yoga Student

  • "I'm having less Back Pain."

    Yoga Student

  • "My Blood Presser is lower"

    Meditation Student

  • "My overall Stress is lower."

    Yoga Student

  • "I'm remembering to Breathe in Stressful situations."

    Meditation Student

  • "This class is what gets me through the week."

    Yoga and Meditation Student

Class Descriptions

  • Gentle Yoga

    A slow paced Hatha Yoga class to calm the nervous system and gently release stress and tension. Includes standing, reclining, and seated, poses.

    Option are given to help you find what works best for you in the present moment.

  • Yin Yoga

    Yin Yoga

    A quiet, meditative practice designed to increase flexibility by stretching connective tissue (fascia), which takes longer to stretch than muscle. Yin postures are held for 3 to 5 minutes. But as I like to say this is not an endurance contest, when you know you are done with a pose you are done.

    For students with moderate flexibility, who are ready to go deeper into their practice. All poses are done on the floor – no standing poses. Can be very helpful for pain caused by tightness.

  • Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation

    Yoga Nidra

    Yoga Nidra, guided meditation, is a powerful tool for reducing stress, regulating the nervous system, and promoting healing of mind and body.

    Settle into a comfortable, quiet place and rest as I guide you through a progressive relaxation of mind, body, and nervous system.

    A great way to practice yoga for almost any age, and those living with chronic illness or limited mobility.

    Options: Seated or Lying Down

  • Restorative Yoga

    Restorative Yoga

    Blankets, pillows, towels… are used to support the body in varies shapes. This support brings a sense of physical and emotional comfort that allows us to let go on a deeper level.

    The poses can be very gentle or used to create deeper change in the body - based on your needs.

    Gather up your household props such as: bed and couch pillows, blankets, towels, a dining room chair or folding chair, a yoga bolster and blocks if you have them. The space you practice in will ideally be warm, quiet, and a bit dark.

You Will Need

Internet access, a quiet space, water.

For Yoga: a laptop facing the long side of your yoga mat (or blanket for yin yoga), enough space to stretch arms overhead and legs to either side, flexible clothing.

Optional props - yoga blocks, yoga strap, blanket, pillows.

For Guided Meditation: a laptop or mobile device, a comfortable place to lie down or sit.

Optional - an extra layer or blanket for warmth.

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